Pet-Friendly Nomadic Living: Essential Supplies and Tips for Traveling with Your Furry Friend

You don’t need to leave your furry friend behind. Let them join on this big adventure.

If you’re a “our pets are part of our family” person. We would be friends. There was one thing certain when we decided to become digital nomads and that was that we were not leaving our fur baby behind. Here is a breakdown of what we brought to ensure that our choice of a nomadic life was just as fun and easy on our dog.

Must-Haves for Your Furry Companion:

  1. All Pet Essentials: Ensure you have all the basics covered, including food and water dishes, collar, leash, and harness.

  2. Dog Bed: Even if your dog loves furniture, like ours does, a portable pet bed can make car rides and new homes more comfortable. Settling in becomes a breeze with a familiar spot for your fur baby.

  3. Dog Toys: Cater to your toy-loving dog by bringing along their favorite toys. We personally make matters worse by giving our dog a new toy at each location, but its been worth it for his enrichment.

  4. Towel: Pack a dedicated pet towel for paw cleanings and rain wipe-downs, preserving the nicer towels provided in rentals and avoiding potential damage charges.

  5. Food Container: Simplify food transportation with a large, hard container with a sealed lid. Practicality meets convenience on the road. Also, don’t forget the food that goes in it.

  6. Medical Records/Proof of Vaccines: Keep copies of your pet's medical records and proof of vaccines on hand. Some landlords may request them, and we’ve found they're required for some dog sitters too.

  7. Brush/Comb: You already know.

  8. Travel Bowls: Ideal for on-the-go breaks during hikes or car travels, collapsible travel bowls store easily and pop out when needed.

  9. Meds: Don't forget essential medications like for flea and tick prevention, heart guard, and any other prescribed medications.

  10. Poop Bags: A must! If you didn’t pick up your dog’s poop before, prepare yourself. Many leases require cleaning up after pets, and having your poop bags helps maintain your security deposit.

  11. Spot Cleaner: Accidents happen. Don’t expect landlords to provide pet stain remover and ensure you’ll get your security deposit back by keeping it on hand.

Leave No Furry Need Unmet: Optional items

  1. Crate: While we didn't travel with one, some landlords may require it. Choose accommodations that align with your preferences.

  2. Security Camera: For peace of mind, we traveled with an indoor security camera to ensure our pet was comfortable even when we were away.

  3. Nail Clippers: If the groomers isn’t your thing.

  4. Life Jacket: We have one for our boat life dog. If you’re by water, you might want it.

  5. Booties and Clothes: Tailor your pet's winter gear to their size and needs. While our pup was set with his double coat, smaller breeds may benefit from booties and jackets, especially in harsh winter climates like Montana.

For cat lovers, we have no idea what to suggest…

In conclusion, we traveled with everything our dog could need or want. We even travel with a blanket and pillows for him. Sacrificing a little bit of space for his comfort was well worth it. We couldn’t imagine doing this life without our lovable pup.


Gear Up: Nomad Must-Haves for the Outdoors


Considerations for your Nomad Living Room