A small trailer is pulled down the highway with views of snowcapped mountains in the distance.

Founded in 2023

About us

Meet your Chief Nomadic Officer Team

Although our identities will remain undisclosed, we are excited to share our story as your Chief Nomadic Officer, my partner and our adventure dog. It starts at how we met, dated long distance and how that transpired into a nomadic adventure across the United States. 

The Beginning

In 2020, two unsuspecting individuals were invited over to the home of a mutual friend. A year later, a long distance relationship formed covering Maryland to Nevada in the height of Covid. A year and a half into dating, one of us transitioned into working fully remote at a new company and the other was contemplating quitting their job, and both of us were done with being long-distance. Ready to take the next step in our relationship, the only problem standing in our way was that I wasn’t willing to move to Nevada and he wasn’t interested in moving back to Maryland. 

The Inspiration

As an avid traveler and social butterfly, now working exclusively from home 2,596 miles away from my boyfriend, but unwilling to move across the country, the digital nomad life became more and more appealing. 

Diverging from the traditional idea of a digital nomad, I wasn’t - and still am not - a freelance worker or  digital business owner. We also weren’t interested in going international, where the tax havens are, because we have a lovable pup we were not going to leave behind. Travel nursing was the closest outline to what we were interested in doing but there are more resources and different structures provided to travel nurses that aren’t applicable to corporate nomads like ourselves. 

With the support of our friends and family, in May 2022 we set out to pave a path for corporate nomads all over the country and we have loved every journey and every destination. 

An Adventure Becomes a Blog

One year later, in May 2023, the Chief Nomadic Officer launched as a resource to help others interested in taking on their own nomadic adventure. Throughout the first year of our journey, we received an influx of questions and praise from people inspired by our journey: remote workers all over the country, colleagues, those looking to explore retirement options, etc. To support those I know and anyone I don’t who is interested in traveling around the US for months at a time, the Chief Nomadic Officer was born. We have gained valuable insights along the way and there is no reason nor benefit for us to gatekeep that information.

While the lifestyle is unconventional, it is undeniably rewarding and we wholeheartedly encourage anyone who is capable of doing so to take the plunge. Throughout this website, we share our learnings, our mistakes and our recommendations to make this process as easy as possible for the next corporate digital nomad. 

If you are currently, or even later decide to become, a corporate nomad, share your story with us! We’d love to hear about your adventure.