Maximize the Appeal of Your Mid-Term Rental

Whether your listing isn't getting the attention it deserves, you're facing complaints about pricing, or you simply want to outshine the competition, adding value to your mid-term rental is essential. Here are some effective strategies to enhance your property and attract more tenants.

Essential Upgrades for Your Mid-Term Rental

  1. King-Sized Bed in the Master Bedroom
    Providing a king-sized bed in the master bedroom adds a touch of luxury that tenants appreciate.

  2. Queen-Sized Beds or Larger in Additional Bedrooms
    Ensure that the second bedroom (if applicable) features a queen-sized bed or bigger to accommodate couples and individuals comfortably.

  3. Fully Stocked Kitchen (with Proof!)
    A well-equipped kitchen is a must. Include photos in your listing to showcase the variety of appliances, utensils, and cookware available.

  4. Purposeful Furniture and Decorations
    Furnish your property with intentional pieces, rather than using old furniture from storage. It doesn’t have to be a Pinterest Perfect but a little effort goes along way.

  5. Spaces Designed for Comfort and Living
    Create areas that invite relaxation and ease, making your property feel like a true home because that is how it will be used.

  6. Dedicated Workspace
    Include a functional desk and office chair to cater to remote workers and professionals. It makes a world of difference in the happiness of your tenants vs working from the dining room table.

  7. Added Storage
    Provide ample storage solutions, from closets to dressers, ensuring tenants have space for all their belongings including some larger pieces. Additionally, keep the property clutter-free by avoiding using it for personal storage.

  8. Dedicated Parking/Garage
    If its available secure and convenient parking options, including a garage, add immense value.

  9. Private Outdoor Space
    A dedicated outdoor area, whether a patio or garden, can significantly enhance the living experience. Furnishing it with tables, loungers or a fire-pit makes is an even bigger bonus.

  10. High-Speed Internet
    Fast, reliable internet is non-negotiable, especially if you are looking to attract working business professionals.

  11. Dressers & Closets
    Ensure that each bedroom has sufficient storage with dressers and spacious closets. It was surprising the number of places that didn’t have dressers.

  12. Digital Locks
    Improve security and convenience with digital locks for easy access over traditional key and locks. You have the capacity to change the code as often as necessary, you can help with any lock-outs and easily provide temporary codes for services like cleaning, pest control, etc.. Digital locks are the way to go and worth the investment.

  13. Blackout Curtains or Shades
    Offer blackout curtains or shades to help tenants sleep comfortably, no matter the time of day. Especially if your target audience is traveling nurses and other traveling healthcare workers.

  14. Full-Length Mirror
    A full-length mirror is a simple yet appreciated addition to any home.

  15. Grill and Outdoor Furniture
    Equip the outdoor space with a grill and comfortable furniture to enhance its usability.

  16. Pellet/Wood Stoves/Fireplaces
    In colder climates, a pellet stove, wood stove or fireplace was our favorite. We used it frequently and our landlords appreciated how much it kept utility costs down. Note, if your space has one of these, you should be providing pellets or wood as mid-term rentals tend to be all inclusive, including utility costs. Also, consider providing a training manual or training your tenants on how to use them.

  17. Large TV
    A large, high-definition TV is perfect for tenants who enjoy streaming shows or gaming. Again, mid-term renters are going to be in the home and using it much more then short-term rentals hence why the bigger tv is preferred.

  18. Pasta Bowls
    Yes, this seems minor but a kitchen stocked the kitchen with pasta bowls—10/10. Don’t overlook some of those small details.

Why These Details Matter

Mid-term rentals differ significantly from short-term stays. While short-term rentals can get away with minimalistic kitchens, outdated furniture, and basic decor, mid-term tenants are looking for a home, not just a place to crash at night. These tenants are likely living and working in the area for months at a time. They need a space where they can cook meals, relax with their favorite shows, play video games, and truly unwind.

By incorporating these value-added features, you can create a rental property that feels like home and stands out in the mid-term rental market.


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